Performance Essentials STR8 Fire® Fat Burner
STR8 Fire® Fat Burner
$49.99 USD
Performance Essentials

STR8 Fire® Fat Burner

$49.99 Excl. tax

STR8 Fire® Thermogenic is a High Stimulant / Intense Thermogenic for individuals who need something on a different level of intensity.

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Product information
Brand Performance Essentials
EAN 665415548716
What our customers say

average of 1 review(s)

Mike T

STR8 Fire is Legit. I have not taken a thermo that made me feel as dialed as the first time I took original Oxy until STR8 Fire. The stim is STRONG. On non workout days I had to take 1 in the morning and 1 around Noon. The thermo is strong as well. Expect to sweat. I had been plateaued for a couple of months before I took STR8 Fire.
Results in a 4 week cycle:
Down 8lbs
1.5 inches lost around chest, stomach, and waist each.

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